Ritual Tools

Exploring the Magical Realm of Tibetan Ritual Tools: Unveiling the cultural heritage and spiritual resonance behind these ancient artifacts.


  • Historical Story: The Vajra originates from the Indian Buddhist tradition and is believed to have been created by Adi Buddha. Symbolizing indestructible strength, it is used in rituals for blessing and purification.
  • Origin: Inspired by the mythology of thunderbolts, the Vajra’s design represents the unbreakable power of lightning.
  • Usage: Employed in ceremonies, rituals, and empowerment rites to enhance power, purify obstacles, and inspire spiritual awakening.
  • Application: Commonly found in temples, ceremonies, and Buddhist rituals, also utilized as a practitioner’s ritual implement.


  • Historical Story: Rooted in Hindu mythology and introduced into Buddhism, the Phurba is considered a weapon against malevolent forces, possessing sacred powers to save beings.
  • Origin: Blending mysterious elements from Hinduism, it represents intense energy in harmony and balance.
  • Usage: Utilized for subduing evil forces, alleviating ailments, and performing special rites, sometimes incorporated into meditation and spiritual practices.
  • Application: Used by lamas, shamans, and spiritual guides in rituals and healing, also featured on Buddhist temple altars.

Nine Palace Bagua Pendant

  • Historical Story: Derived from Taoist Bagua philosophy, symbolizing fundamental cosmic forces. Adopted into Buddhism, it is also employed to enhance spiritual awakening.
  • Origin: The Bagua concept originated in ancient China, later incorporated into Buddhism and amalgamated with other religious traditions.
  • Usage: Worn to improve personal fortune, ward off negativity, and increase spiritual strength based on the eight trigrams’ principles.
  • Application: Used as a talisman, worn or hung in homes, shops, etc., to attract auspicious energies and deflect negativity.
Bagua Pendant
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There are a few ways you can measure your wrist size. You can either use a flexible measuring tape or a piece of string, and a ruler.

  • Wrap the flexible measuring tape around your wrist at the smallest point, typically just below the wrist bone. If using string, wrap it around the same area and mark where the string overlaps.
  • For accuracy, ensure that the tape or string fits snugly without digging into the skin.
  • If using string, lay it flat against a ruler to determine the length.
  • Record your wrist circumference. This measurement forms the base for determining your bracelet size.

When ordering

  • Please specify the exact number on the measuring tape and whether you prefer your bracelet a little looser or tighter.
  • If you have any inquiries on size choices, please feel free to contact us at service@sacred-tibet.com.

    Wrist mearsurement



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